Умното мече - настолна игра
Няма наличност"Мечешка" колекция образователни игри с числа, за 2 до 5 играчи на възраст между 4 и 8 години.
Съдържа четири варианта за игра. Много добро съчетание между нанизване и математика.
Съдържание: 1 Броеница Умното мече, 1 зар с числа, 1 зар с ръце/пръсти, 1 зар с точки, 40 карти, комплект инструкции на български език. <...
Описание на български език на Умното мече - настолна игра:
"Мечешка" колекция образователни игри с числа, за 2 до 5 играчи на възраст между 4 и 8 години.
Съдържа четири варианта за игра. Много добро съчетание между нанизване и математика.
Съдържание: 1 Броеница Умното мече, 1 зар с числа, 1 зар с ръце/пръсти, 1 зар с точки, 40 карти, комплект инструкции на български език.
Описание на английски език на Умното мече - настолна игра:
Part of the "LernSpiel" (English = Learning Game) series from Haba, this is a series of counting games for young children using a very cute counting string with wooden bear, 4 sets of 1-10 counting tiles (marked with dice faces, numbers, fingers & cubes) and three different dice (marked with numbers, dice faces & fingers).
The name, btw, means "Clever Bear Learns To Count".
Example of one of the 4 versions of Gameplay:
Game 1: Clever Bear's Memory
Who finds as many cards as possible showing the same number (i.e. four
fingers and four dots)? A game for any number of Clever Bears.
Game Material Needed: All cards
Preparation of the Game
The cards are shuffled face down and arranged on the table in eight rows
of five cards.
How to Play
Play in a clockwise direction. The oldest player starts and tries to find a
matching pair of numbers.
Uncover two cards one by one and announce the number represented.
• Both cards show a matching pair of numbers?
Well done! Take the cards. Then uncover two more cards.
• The two cards don't show a matching pair of numbers:
Pity! Let the others see the cards and turn them back over again. Then
it's the turn of the next player to turn over two cards.
End of the Game
The game ends as soon as all the matching pairs of numbers have been
collected. Pile up your cards: whoever has the highest pile, wins the
Variation for younger children
• Select any two sets of cards with ten cards each and play Clever Bear
• Select all cards of a specific range of numbers: for example all cards
representing the numbers One to Five.